Come and Be

We all need to belong. As we follow Jesus on this journey of life, we need people to help us along. At Hillside we have many groups to help. There is a group for you! We have Life groups, Sunday School, Men’s and women’s bible study, choir, JOY (55 age and up). When we do life with likeminded people, we can strengthen each other as God strengthens us.


Kids are are trying to figure out everything in life. Here they will learn these key truths: God made me, God loves me, and God wants to be my forever friend.  Being a parent is a huge job, but you are not alone. We provide a safe environment for your children where they will sing songs together and learn about stories in the Bible. We want to partner with you and make a difference in the lives of your kids.
Nursery Care
Nursery is provided during the 9:30am and 11:00am service.
Hillside Kid’s Sunday School
(3 years- 5th grade)
We have age appropriate classes where
 the kids will learn Bible stories, how Jesus loves them
and how they can learn to be more like Him. 
(Sunday school transitions into Kid’s Church)
Hillside Kid’s Church
(Kindergarten – 5th Grade)
 The kids meet in their own worship center where they sing songs and learn
lessons taught in the Bible. It is an interactive worship experience
designed to engage everyone.
Wednesday Nights
6:30PM – 8:00PM
During School Year
Hillside Student Ministry exists to transform the lives of middle and high-school students
through the hope and and holiness of Jesus Christ. To do this, we equip our students
to KNOW GOD, to GROW IN GOD and to GO for God. 
During School Year 
With special events in the summer months
Our Wednesday evening ministry is a night of worship, time in the Word of God, small groups
led by adult volunteers and fun. We enjoy the cafe’, games, worship, sermons, small groups, and activities.
There are Middle School and High School Sunday School Classes where teens learn
about how they can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in their
faith and knowledge of the Bible. In addition to Sunday School, we strongly encourage our 
students to participate in one of our morning worship services in the sanctuary.
Services are at 9:30 and 11:00am.

What’s a Life Group?  Why a Life Group?!?

At Hillside, we are convinced that real and lasting changes in our lives happen best within “community”. For us, that “community” happens in Life Groups! In Hillside Life Groups, people study God’s Word together and talk about the issues and challenges of life. They also pray and care for one another. If you would like to know more
please contact us at 810.985.9614 or through email at

(Age 55 and up)

Join us for a special time of fellowship and study in God’s Word

Matthew 28:19

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”


At Hillside, we are passionate about taking the Good News of Jesus outside the walls of our church, through short-term mission trips,

support of missionaries in seven countries, support of local para-church ministries, and through service in our neighborhoods.


The Great Commission of Jesus says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20


We conduct an annual focus on missions called “WE Fest” (World Evangelism). We also have periodic mission emphasis from our short term and career missionaries in our Sunday services. 


 The purpose of the Hillside Outreach Team is to engage the body of Christ to live out a spirit of generosity to the Blue Water Area. That generosity should embody the heart of Jesus, care more about the kingdom of God than the kingdom of Hillside and be socially compassionate with common sense. To that aim, we seek to participate with the Holy Spirit to meet a need, share the truth, and flip the script. This team works to create events and opportunities that enlist people to participate in the mission of the church (Love God, Love People, and Live Sent) through generosity, service, and evangelism. We recognize that the church often has lots of opportunities for generosity and service, so we have an emphasis on evangelism.